While many women know they are pregnant as early as a week after a missed period social norms dictate pregnancy announcements should wait until after the all-important 12-week mark. As one woman explains We were going to wait until after the 8-week ultrasound to tell everyone but we decided to go ahead and tell.
It is totally a personal decision.
How long to wait before telling your pregnant. I was like 4 weeks with my son when we found out and told our immediate family the next day Father the next day our parents about 2-3 weeks after we found out so maybe 6 weeks pregnant. Boss around 10 weeks. Rest of family and close friends 12 weeks after the ultrasound.
Perhaps the biggest pro of early telling however is that youll get support and comfort if there are complications. As one woman explains We were going to wait until after the 8-week ultrasound to tell everyone but we decided to go ahead and tell. I realized that if anything did go wrong Id want the support.
Finding out youre pregnant is a momentous time in your life. Whether its surprising or welcome news most newly pregnant women immediately want to tell someone. While many women know they are pregnant as early as a week after a missed period social norms dictate pregnancy announcements should wait until after the all-important 12-week mark.
The early weeks of. Most moms-to-be do wait to share their news until after week 13 of pregnancy when the risk of miscarriage goes way down. But that doesnt mean you have to.
In fact some moms-to-be feel that if they were faced with a pregnancy loss theyd want the support of close family and friends. As for coworkers and bosses wait as long as possible. Hold off until the end of your first trimester even longer if youre not showing or if the news could interfere with a promotion says.
I waited 36 hours to tell my DH this current pregnancy. That was torture and I only did it because he was on a ski trip on the other side of the country and I didnt feel it was phone appropriate news. With my last pregnancy my DH actually told me that I was pregnant.
Pregnant women are often advised to wait until they pass the 12-week mark when the risk of miscarriage drops sharply to announce their pregnancies. Women traditionally wait until after the first trimester for when to announce pregnancy. But more are deciding to share right awayheres why.
Id say a month and half to two months into the pregnancy you could start telling closer family like aunts uncles and close friends. At about 10 weeks you should be able to hear a heart beat. Although your body begins to produce hCG 7 to 10 days after fertilization waiting provides the most accurate results.
In order to give your body enough time for hCG to build up to a detectable level in your urine by a pregnancy test it is best to. Many women can tell if they are pregnant within two or three weeks of conceiving and some women know a lot sooner even within a few days. It really depends on your ability to pick up on the changes occurring within your body and how sensitive you are to them.
Do the test at least 21 days after you last had unprotected sex. Some very sensitive pregnancy tests can be used even before you miss a period from as early as eight days after. The plan is to tell people at 20 weeks But its worth considering that telling some of the people youre close to much earlier on may mean you have someone to turn to on days when youre feeling particularly wobbly.
It is totally a personal decision. But if you decide to tell people before the first trimester ends at 12 weeks your risk of miscarriage diminishes significantly you should be prepared to tell them if. Many older first-time moms face a dilemma when it comes to baby No.
The clock is ticking louder than ever. But doctors advise waiting at least a year and a half after giving birth before.